Thursday, April 14, 2011

1st Play in the West End

My friend Michael came to town yesterday and we were able to get matinee tickets for the play IN A FOREST, DARK & DEEP.  The play was written by Neil Labute, and was a 2 character play starring Matthew Fox and Olivia Williams, playng brother and sister.  We both really enjoyed it, and thought that Matthew Fox was (as they say here in London) quite brilliant. 

I'm very excited about all the theater that is here in London.  Also, it's great how easy it is to get discounted "Day of" tickets...most of the shows have a handfull of tickets that they won't sell until the day of the performance, and they are usually discounted.  We were able to get front row seats to this play for 10 pounds, which was great.


  1. Great pic Dan......sounds like you are fitting right in and "at home" Clue me in much is 10 pounds? Mom

  2. Hi Mom...10 pounds equals roughly $16.00. :-)

  3. Save some musicals for me when I come! :) (And tell Michael that I said "Hello"

  4. Fantastic that you to get to see all that West End theater on a regular basis! Glad to hear the first outing was 'brilliant'!
