Sunday, April 3, 2011

Our Temporary Address...

74-76 Princes Square, Flat #25
London W2 4NY
United Kingdom

Well, we made it and are all unpacked in our initial corporate flat.  It's not huge (by a longshot), but it is better than being in a hotel.  We are in an area that I think you'd call 'Noting Hill adjacent', and actually closer to Bayswater.  What's nice is that we are walking distance to many shops and restaurants and a gym.  Also, we are about a 20min commute to Darrel's office, which he is very happy about.

I am meeting with 2 different realtors tomorrow to start looking for a more permanent residence.  Keep your fingers crossed for us, because we are both ready to get a little bit more settled.  As soon as we have a permanent address, I will post as well. 

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